New Year, New Me?
WE ALL KNOW that "New year, new me" is utter rubbish because we also all know that in order to have a complete change of ourselves, we need to change our personality and I believe that we can't possibly do that with one stroke of a paintbrush in our canvasses. Every single year, we learned two huge things; good and bad, positive and negative. There will always be a time where we feel so messed up because either we did something regretful or someone made us feel like utter trash and our pessimistic thoughts can ruin everything that is good no matter how we try, we cannot stop the poisonous words and scenarios getting into our minds, that's why we might feel choked up from time to time. Every time I am in that horrendous phase, I'm listening to sad songs to make me feel more miserable than I already do. Sometimes, I put these heavy emotions to an artful form, I write songs and poems and pour all of my toxic black ink into the paper taking it all out. I embr...